Verso l’Arte plans and carries out exhibitions, events, cultural events of various kinds or duration, on National and International Territories, at private and public centres.
It avails itself of the collaboration of the National Institute of Contemporary Art, through which it has an open dialogue with the public Institutions that give the events a “highly cultural” character.
Verso l’Arte studies two-year and three-year projects for the evaluation and the historization of the single artists and collections.
It can provide a complete or partial package of services in any occasion, defined each time with the customer or, at request, it can take care of the orders that will be invoiced directly by the customer.
These services comprehend, for example: requests to the Bodies that own the exposition grounds and the drawing up of the contracts; insurances and fidejussions, critic or critics that cure the exhibitions, volume, editor, video, press office, banners, invitations, advertising, billposting, cocktails, surveillance, transportation, setting up, etc.
Verso l’Arte can present requests for the sponsorship of the Ministry for Cultural Goods and Activities, the Superintendence for Artistic Goods of the different locations, the Regional, Provincial, Municipal Administrations, the Foundations and the Cultural Institutions.
Verso l’Arte can seek and supply specialized scholars, take care of the cataloguing of works of various artists, groups, epochs, supply artistic, economic, cultural consultancies to collectors, artists, bodies and companies